Medical Records

The Medical Records Department of LIMA is the “information hub” for your patient chart.  Our staff will scan, fax and mail records to patients, physician offices, insurance companies and lawyers upon receiving requests from the patient.  On a daily basis we also receive records in multiple forms related to your medical care-these are scanned into our system so that your provider has immediate access to ensure continuity of care.

Personal record and physician office requests are routinely completed within three days.  Requests from insurance companies and legal firms often require additional time and are completed within 7-10 days.  We are accustomed to working closely with all of these groups to ensure data is shared in a timely fashion.

All LIMA employees undergo annual training on HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act)-and our medical records team is available to answer any specific questions you may have related to our compliance with that regulation.

Records Request

We will gladly copy records for your personal use-the first (current) year is free-and a nominal charge of 5 cents per page thereafter is expected.

The Medical Records Window is open from 7:00 am-4:00 pm M-F for your convenience.  Please feel free to contact us @ (717) 273-6706 ext #1130, #1131 or #1153.

Holiday Schedule: 12/13-Practice closes at 12:00pm | 12/24-12/25 - Practice Closed | 1/1/25 - Practice closed